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  • Subscription Tiers - What features does each tier have?
    Economy Class Tier ( $.99/month or $10.99/year): - Map view of your day/month/pairing - Calendar with report & layover times - Pairing details (Including Current vs Original pairing saved) - Entire pairing screenshot (Rotate phone horizontally within a pairing to see) - Crew Profiles - Sharing schedules with Crewline crewmembers - Up to 3 months saved schedules - Upcoming trip notifications (Customizable duration) - Flight status indicators within legs (Green [On-time], Yellow [Delayed], Red [Canceled]) Business Class Tier ( $1.99/month or $21.99/year): All features of Economy PLUS... - Opentime access - Drop, Add, and Swap trips - Saves up to 12 months of schedules First Class Tier ( $2.99/month or $29.99/year): All features of Business PLUS... - Flight Search Tab Access: - Search NK Flight loads (Spirit only currently) - Search for flights on all air carriers (Great for commuters, non-reving, etc) - Search by Aircraft Tail # (Great for tracking down missing items) - Search by Flight # - All results will show your airline's crew, and easily message them by tapping their profile. - Advanced Flight Status (Your scheduled/working flights) - Shows inbound aircraft on Map - Shows Tail # of aircrafts Notes: ** All 3 tier options can be easily changed at anytime by going to your Settings Tab > Subscriptions. ** 3 pricing tiers are currently available for IOS users. ** 1 pricing tier is available for Android users. (We're working on adding the 3 tiers in the future for Android!)
  • Error message - "JSON""
    If you're getting this error message: You may be connected to a Wifi network that has a firewall, preventing Crewline from downloading. If you receive a message from your internet provider, please ALLOW to prevent possible further issues. (We're working on a permanent fix for this). To alleviate this issue - 1. Disconnect from the Wifi 2. Scroll to the previous month on your Crewline schedule 3. Pull down to refresh the previous month 4. Go back to the current month and refresh If you have more questions about this issue, email us (
  • Error message - "Maximum Retrial""
    If you're getting this error message: There are a few reasons you may be experiencing this error. 1. If you're a new employee (or FO) and you're currently waiting to finish your OE; Your schedule may not be completely set up with Opentime, therefore Crewline isn't able to download properly to set up your account. Please wait until your Flica account is showing Opentime, and then try again. 2. Our servers may be down. Please email us ( if you think this may be the case!
  • Error message - "Schedule failed""
    "Schedule failed. The internet connection appears to be offline" Usually this is the network not working properly. To alleviate this issue: 1. Turn off and turn back on your phone to reset your network settings. If you're still having issues, email us (
  • I’m trying to sign-in and join Crewline, but I’m not receiving a Verification Code... What’s going on?"
    Your cell phone provider may have restrictions with Verification Codes on your account. We suggest contacting your provider directly to turn off “Short Text Number” options. (Most frequently we've seen this is a T-Mobile customer issue.) When in doubt, feel free to message us or email us anytime with questions!
  • What airlines does Crewline currently support?
    Crewline currently supports: - Spirit Airlines (Pilots & Flight Attendants) (iOS & Android) - Jetblue (Pilots & Flight Attendants) (iOS) Future airlines include (but not limited to): -Frontier Airlines -Silver Airways -Hawaiian Airlines -Mesa Airlines ...and more! If you don't see your airline listed and are curious about Crewline, contact us at and we will be happy to answer your questions.
  • There is a message that says "tap here to update" on my calendar, how do I get rid of it?"
    This message is to let you know that there is a newer version ready to be downloaded. Tap on the message and it will take you to the app store, then tap on the "update" button. This is important to do, since each update brings new features and also fixes issues that we may have found on the current version.
  • Android vs. iOS features
    The iOS version of Crewline was released about 9 months prior to the Android version. For this reason, there will be differences in the features as we update and release the versions of each platform. Our goal is to have both platform versions of Crewline to encompass the same features in the future. Thanks for your patience!
  • My Crewline app doesn't work after I upgraded/changed phones. What do I do?
    - Go to Crewline Settings > Log out > Log back in. - If you're still having issues, simply uninstall & re-download Crewline. - Questions? Email us:
  • Flight loads - How do I check flight loads?
    If you're an iOS Spirit user - we are now offering Flight Loads search in the Flight Search tab if you're a "First Class" Subscriber. Simply tap the top right "NK Loads" and search! You can change your subsctipion tier at anytime by going to your Settings Tab > Subscriptions. We plan to offer this feature to Spirit Android in the future as well.
  • Flight loads - Can I see the standby list?
    At this time, the flight loads search feature only allows you to view the passenger counts, no standby lists. It is for informational purposes only. (If you're an iOS Spirit user - we are now offering Flight Loads search in the Flight Search tab if you're a "First Class" Subscriber. You can change your subsctipion tier at anytime by going to your Settings Tab > Subscriptions. We plan to offer this feature to Spirit Android in the future as well.)
  • Flight loads - My password for Team Travel (Spirit) isn't working, what do I do?"
    Please go to your Spirit Team Travel website to update your log in information. Once that is complete, you can update that information anytime on Crewline @: Settings Tab > My Linked Credentials
  • Flight loads - I only see flights with 0 or 1 stop. What about 2+ stops?
    Crewline only shows flight loads for non-stop or 1 stop flights. To see more options you can go to your company's Team Travel website.
  • Flight loads - What about Jetblue?
    We currently do not offer flight load searches for Jetblue. Possibly in a future update!
  • Is Crewline an automated system to pick up trips (a bot?)
    Simply put - Nope. The way Crewline functions is as follows: Pulling down on your month view of the calendar refreshes your schedule each time, acting as an intermediary to Flica. With each refresh you are logging in a session as if you were logging into your browser. This refreshes not only the available Opentime / Tradeboard trips but also any changes to your schedule. To add, drop or swap trips, you must manually do so when you see the most current refreshed schedule/OT list. (Swipe on the OT/TB trip to reveal the Add/Swap buttons) Crewline does not support automated trip adds, drops, or swaps. We simply have made it a much better mobile experience for you to view and submit these requests. To read more, go here.
  • The green numbers are missing now. How do I see trips again?
    Check to make sure your Opentime filters are turned on. iOS: Go to your Opentime tab > Tap the filters at the top to turn on (On = Green // Off = Grey) Once you go back to your schedule tab, the green numbers should appear and reflect your current filters. Android: Tab the filters icon (top right) in any Opentime date. Choose filters. Still have questions? Email us here.
  • Where do I see Opentime trips?
    On the Calendar tab, the far right column “OT” has numbers under it. Each number represents how many total trips are available that START on that specific date. Click to explore the trips.
  • How do I change my settings to only view how many Opentime trips there are?
    Under the Settings tab > Calendar Settings, you can adjust your preferences to include Tradeboard trip totals or just show Opentime trip totals for your Calendar.
  • How do I add an Opentime trip?
    When you find the trip you’d like to add, simply swipe towards the left and click “ADD” and follow the prompts.
  • How do I drop one of my trips?
    Click the pairing you’d like to drop and when it opens you click the “Drop” (Top right) and follow the prompts to drop into Opentime or Tradeboard. You can drop into both by doing this process twice and following the corresponding prompts.
  • How do I drop my trip to another crew member?
    Currently Crewline does not support dropping trips to specific crew members. You can easily drop into the Tradeboard, but it will not go to a specific crew member.
  • Why is Crewline showing me less trips than Flica for Opentime / Tradeboard ?
    In order to see the most current trips that are available, make sure you manually pull-down to refresh your schedule prior to checking for trips. If you've pulled to refresh and you're still finding a discrepancy in the amount of trips showing on Crewline vs. Flica, you may have your "Sort" settings ON in your Opentime in Flica. To make sure you're able to view ALL available trips, log in to your FLICA account in your browser and make sure you reset or turn off your SORT options. Go back to Crewline and refresh to see the change.
  • How do I swap a trip in Opentime?
    On your calendar, click any desired date on the "OT" (Opentime) column. Once you find a trip you'd like to swap for, swipe left to reveal the SWAP button. Choose the trip you already have, that you'd like to swap for. Submit the confirmation pop-up. Done!
  • What is the "worth" column? (iOS)"
    In Version 2.2.0 on iOS, we introduced "trip worth". Trip worth is an estimate of a trip's worth based on your personal hourly pay rate + per diem. You can add these values in, and Crewline will automatically generate the Trip Worth next to each Opentime trip. It will also appear under the "Trip Totals" tab within each of the days of your pairings. To add your pay rates in go to: Settings Tab > Tap your name at the top > Add you pay rates and refresh your schedule. This "trip worth" is a base pay estimate, therefore does not include any overtime or other contractual agreements you may have with your company. Disclaimer: This feature is for informational purposes only, and should be not be used as a means to audit pay.
  • How do I add my pay in to get "trip worth"?"
    In Version 2.2.0 on iOS, we introduced "trip worth". Trip worth is an estimate of a trip's worth based on your personal hourly pay rate + per diem. You can add these values in, and Crewline will automatically generate the Trip Worth next to each Opentime trip. It will also appear under the "Trip Totals" tab within each of the days of your pairings. To add your pay rates in go to: Settings Tab > Tap your name at the top > Add you pay rates and refresh your schedule. This "trip worth" is a base pay estimate, therefore does not include any overtime or other contractual agreements you may have with your company. Disclaimer: This feature is for informational purposes only, and should be not be used as a means to audit pay.
  • The next month on my schedule isn't showing up.
    With Crewline, you must go to each month individually to refresh. This reduces overall refresh times for you, the user. So be sure to try and go to the month you're looking to load, pull down to refresh. If you're still having an issue, send us an email @ and we will be happy to look into it for you.
  • Can I go to the next trip while viewing a particular trip?
    You sure can! Whether you're on the 1st day or last day of a trip in the pairing, simply swipe UP (you'll go to the NEXT trip) or DOWN (you'll go to the PREVIOUS trip).
  • How do I refresh when I'm inside a pairing?
    You can refresh your schedule by clicking the Schedule tab and pulling down to refresh your entire schdule. Crewline doesn't currently offer refreshing while within a pairing.
  • How do I sync my phone calendars with Crewline ?
    The easiest way is by tapping on any date on the left of your schedule, the app will request permission to access your calendars. Once you do that, Crewline will sync your calendars and you can start adding events or editing existing ones. You may also go to the settings in Crewline and manage your calendars under "Calendar Settings".
  • I don't want some of my calendars to be visible, how do I hide them?"
    Easy, go to settings>calendar settings>caledars and select the ones you want to be visible in your schedules. You can also manage all your calendars from there and they will be synched with your iPhone's schedules.
  • How do I make fonts BIGGER?
    Settings > Calendar Settings > Bigger Fonts
  • How do I see my trip's worth?
    In Version 2.2.0 on iOS, we introduced "trip worth". Trip worth is an estimate of a trip's worth based on your personal hourly pay rate + per diem. You can add these values in, and Crewline will automatically generate the Trip Worth next to each Opentime trip. It will also appear under the "Trip Totals" tab within each of the days of your pairings. To add your pay rates in go to: Settings Tab > Tap your name at the top > Add you pay rates and refresh your schedule. This "trip worth" is a base pay estimate, therefore does not include any overtime or other contractual agreements you may have with your company. Disclaimer: This feature is for informational purposes only, and should be not be used as a means to audit pay.
  • Why can’t I see all of the other crew that I’m working with that aren’t on my pairing? (Chasers, Pilots, DHs, Etc.)"
    To view crew (other than those on your actual pairing), once inside a pairing, click the green arrow to expand all legs. Below each leg the other crew will appear. Keep in mind, Crewline is still growing, and in order to see the crew, the user must be an active Crewline user. Flica does not provide “other” crew information, so we must compile users from Crewline’s database. So, don’t forget to invite crew you don't see listed, to join Crewline!
  • How do I share my schedule with another crewmember?
    On Crewline, you have to grant other crewmembers access to view your schedule and they must do the same for you. (This requires no password sharing!) To allow another crewmember to see your schedule: Settings > Schedule Sharing > Manage Access > Search for the crewmember (Make sure you spell the first or last name completely) To view someone else's schedule, they must do the same. Once they do, their name should appear on: iOS : Minimized on the bottom of your Calendar Tab Android: On the bottom in your Profile Tab Note: You can remove access at any time by swiping left and "remove" on either your managed access page or if you're granted access to someone else's schedule and no longer want to see it.
  • Where do I see the status of my flight?
    Flight status will become available once you're on the current duty day. Inside the pairing, on the left side of each leg, you'll then notice a glowing dot. (Green - ON TIME, Yellow - DELAYED, Red - Cancelled) You can also click each individual leg to bring up more specific flight information.
  • How can I see the tail number / aircraft registration / aircraft type ?
    Tail numbers are displayed in the "First Class" tier of iOS only.
  • How do I add a profile photo?
    Click you Profile tab > “Edit” (top right) > Click either the actual profile photo space -or- “Change profile photo”.
  • How do I add or erase my contact information?
    To ADD your contact information go to your Profile tab > “Edit” (top right) > Click the appropriate field that you’d like to add information to under the “Optional Info” space. To HIDE any of your “Optional Info”, toggle the “eye” icon on/off. NOTE: Name, Employee ID & Title cannot be adjusted.
  • How do I change my phone number?
    To change your phone #, email us:

Jan 21, 2025: Please be advised that Service is currently down on Crewline. Our Developer Jhoan is working as fast as he can to restore Crewline. We apologize for any

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